Finish 2023 Strong and Help Us Make 2024 Stronger.  image

Finish 2023 Strong and Help Us Make 2024 Stronger.

As 2023 comes to a close please help us secure a stronger year ahead.

$8,307 raised

$10,000 goal

/ 150


This past year has been challenging in many ways. These past few years have been a struggle. With the Pandemic coming to a close and this past year having members of our Board suffer some major health problems it has had some twists and turns. We thank our community for their love and support in so many ways. We are so grateful that all of our friends and family are recovering and doing better. We are thankful to still be able to share dance with so many people. Thank you for your support. As this year comes to a close we look back and are proud of the work we did. Despite some of these challenges we created 3 New Works; "If You Miss The Train, Catch The Next One", a collaboration with visual artist Alice Momm on "Not So Grimm Central Park Dances" sponsored by The Lauder Foundation, and a collaboration with visual artist Barbara Shelly and jazz musician Simon Church on "Colors in Six." The Company performed in 10 cities, three states, and had 23 performances. We had grant support from the New England Foundation of The Arts, and the NEST Touring Grant, and were presented by The Egg in CT, Windhover Performing Arts Center in MA, and Thomas / Ortiz Dance in CT. The Company worked with children's groups as well as older adults and reached communities near and far.

We are looking forward to our upcoming season in 2024 and will start with a performance at The Solo Duo Dance Festival performing a duet Alison Choreographed in 2012 entitled TINTINNABULI. In order for the company to go forward, grant support is not enough for our growing organization. We ask for your kind and generous support to help pay for our dancers and studio space for our 2024 season. Alison is working very hard on grant work and new projects with various collaborating artists and organizations. However, she needs help from generous supporters like you to pay for her beautiful dancers.

We thank you so much for your consideration and belief in the work that we do for the communities that we live in. We belief that art can heal and bring hope and joy to people. In a world that is hurting in many ways right now, dance and music can bring light to people's hearts. Your contributions can be that gift to people. This year we hope to work with more children's groups and Veterans. We will keep you updated on this progress and thank you again for believing in us.